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Detect causes of faults faster and reduce unplanned downtime

Hirschvogel Group increases productivity with the iba system

A forging plant operates in different process sections: After the raw parts have been fed in and heated, the actual forming takes place in a press. Subsequently, the workpieces are transported further for controlled cooling. A large number of measurement values and signals are available during the entire production process. Powerful analysis of the acquired measurement data can reveal numerous opportunities for process and machine optimization. In order to exploit this potential, the Hirschvogel Group, one of the largest, globally operating automotive suppliers in the field of massive forming of steel and aluminum, decided to install the iba system in several forging plants. With the help of the iba solution, the company was able to gain valuable insights, identify many sources of error and eliminate them permanently. According to Hirschvogel, the productivity of the plants was measurably and significantly increased.

Business Benefits

Reduction of unplanned production downtime
and increase of machine availability

Improvement in product quality
and productivity

Preventive maintenance measures
based on detected deviations

Permanent recording
of all relevant measurement data

The Technology

With ibaPDA, the acquisition of measurement data is powerful, flexible and continuous. Thanks to the comprehensive connectivity of the iba system, not only data from the control systems are recorded, but also sensors (e.g. pressure or displacement signals) can be directly connected to the ibaPDA via ibaPADU. Thus, complex installations and configurations of mobile systems are not necessary. In addition, ibaCapture records video information synchronously to the other measurement data and stores it continuously. Both measurement and video data are available to the plant operator online and historically in the ibaQPanel-based visualization. Furthermore, maintenance staff and technologists use the powerful analysis tool ibaAnalyzer to analyze the historical measurement and video data both interactively and automatically. Due to the consistent and continuous data acquisition, errors can be analyzed in detail already after their first occurrence and measures for error elimination can be defined. Since the recording duration of the data is only limited by the granted storage space, Hirschvogel uses the iba system not only for current malfunction and weak point analysis, but also for long-term analysis.


Detecting faults with video and signal recording


The steel blanks sporadically stick together at the outlet of the heating system. Each time, the machine operator has to interrupt production and eliminate the problem manually.


Using time-synchronized recording of video and process data, the induction heating process was analyzed in depth. This allowed the specific triggers of the problem to be identified: By making a mechanical change and optimizing the outlet, it was possible to avoid stitching and the subsequent sticking of the blanks. 
This source of error and the resulting machine downtimes could thus be permanently eliminated.

Screenshot error detection

"Not only the frequency of unplanned plant shutdowns, but also the fast and correct analysis of the causes could be significantly improved with the iba system."

Stephan Burkart
Maintenance Machinery Electrical System,
Hirschvogel Umformtechnik GmbH

iba Products

Measuring value acquisition - ibaPDA

Центральным компонентом системы iba является ibaPDA, за многие годы использования она зарекомендовала себя одной из самых многофункциональных систем для сбора измеренных данных для производства и техобслуживания. Архитектура клиент-сервер, гибкая запись данных и простое конфигурирование с функцией автораспознавания - это только малая часть преимуществ baPDA.

Combining measurement data and video images - ibaCapture

Система видеозаписи ibaCapture записывает видео и HMI-изображения синхронизированно с данными измерений в сочетании с ibaPDA - либо непрерывно, либо триггерно. Важные события могут автоматически сохраняться в виде моментальных снимков. Точная синхронизация и одновременное отображение с помощью ibaAnalyzer записанных измеренных данных и визуальной информации служат основой для качественно нового уровня анализа технологических процессов.

Analysis software - ibaAnalyzer

ibaAnalyzer характеризуется широким спектром функций для анализа и оценки данных. Приложение имеет интуитивно понятный интерфейс и управление и большой набор функциональных возможностей. Лицензия для редактирования файлов измерений, созданных системой iba, предоставляется бесплатно.


ibaQPanel является дополнительным программным обеспечением, которое позволяет отображать на экране ЧМИ данные технологического процесса и данные о качестве в режиме реального времени. ibaQPanel объединяет функциональность отображения измеренных величин технологического процесса с элементами, типичными для ЧМИ. Он полностью интегрирован в ibaPDA.

Schematic drawing
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